Welcome to the Somers Point Schools
Parent Teacher Organization
The Somers Point Parent Teacher Organization (SPPTO) is a non-profit organization that exists for charitable and educational purposes. The purpose of the SPPTO is to enhance and support the educational experience of the Somers Point School District, to develop a connection between school and home by encouraging family involvement, and to improve the environment within the Somers Point School District through volunteer and financial support.
Membership is automatically granted to all parents and legal guardians of Somers Point School District students as well as all staff in the Somers Point School District. Members have voting privileges that are limited to one vote per household. There are not membership fees or dues. Meetings are held monthly and meeting notices are sent home with students and shared through the Blackboard Connect System.

Box Tops for Education
Clip your BOX TOPS from all General Mills and Betty Crocker products and send them in with your child. We receive .10 cents for each BOX TOP turned in and believe me it really adds up. Send them in while you can. This program will be changing over the next year. They are moving to a digital base.