• Technology Education




    Technology is a tool to help students solve problems, create products, and build relationships. This tool can also facilitate the acquisition of grade level core curriculum standards and workplace readiness skills.


    We believe that technology can


    • Improve student motivation, interest and attitude in learning.
    • Prepare students for a global workplace.
    • Address the needs of at-risk, low performing and special needs students.


    Technology improves critical thinking and problem solving when


    • Students are taught to apply the process of problem solving and are then allowed opportunities to apply technology in development of solutions.
    • Students work in collaborative groups while using computers to solve problems.
    • Students use technology presentation and communication tools to present, publish, and share results of projects.

    We ask ourselves the following questions as we build our technology curriculum and infrastructure

    • What information do teachers and students need to improve their work?
    • What new relationships can improve learning?
    • What authentic relationships can you imagine for students and educators?
    • What technology do you want?